A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Welcome to Artemis, an immersive and educational experience set at NASA Earth Base. As an astronaut, you will explore the base and learn about the Moon and Artemis' future lunar mission. Guided by Aria, your voice assistant, you will visit the Museum Hall to discover lunar geology, space mission history, and future plans for the Moon. In the Warehouse, you will solve puzzles, and in the Simulation Room, you will become familiar with some instruments used on lunar soil.


Artemis is a 3D first-person single-player game. Throughout the experience, you will explore and discover in detail the program of the space missions ARTEMIS. To assist you, the environment has been subdivided into 3 levels: Museum Hall, Warehouse, and Simulation.

  • Museum Hall: Explore interactive exhibits and videos, take quizzes about lunar geology and space mission history.
  • Warehouse: Obtain information about the tools you will use to reach the Moon. Solve puzzles to find missing space suit pieces.
  • Simulation Room: Experience lunar gravity simulation and receive additional information about the tools the astronauts are currently using on the lunar surface.


  • Move the mouse to orient the character's camera
  • Use W, A, S, D to walk
  • Press E to interact with objects and NPCs
  • Press ESC to open and close the Pause Menu
  • Hold the right mouse button to grab objects
  • Press SPACE BAR to jump and experience the low gravity in the Simulation Room.


Project created for the Politecnico of Turin’s Virtual Reality Course 2023/24.

Group 25:

  • Azzarello Tommaso
  • Bergese Emanuele
  • Gianolla Alessia
  • Gravili Federico
  • Vella Mattia




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